Tuesday, April 27, 2010

47 + 24 = paranoid delusions/humor

Last night, my husband and I were watching 24. During the show I went low, and fast. I tested and was 47. All was going fine up until I started getting confused by my low blood sugar, and somehow I thought that I was mixed up in 24, and that the [not] very important proposal that I had been working on at work that day was somehow going to get Jack in trouble with the President of the United States and CTU. Dead serious. Convinced I was going to impact the plot of 24 with my incredibly routine work product. It took about 10 minutes of extremely patient explaining by my wonderful husband, and carb loading on my end to bring my sugar up before I realized that alas, Jack could care less about me or my proposal.

I have only had paranoid delusions one other time due to blood sugar issues (oh, to be at senior week again, drinking grain alcohol daiquiris from the Frosty Frog), but both times I was absolutely certain that I was somehow involved in a massive government conspiracy. The one at senior week involved aliens and me thinking that if I got off the top bunk something terrible would happen. My poor yet understanding friends couldn't get me down for like 15 minutes!

Not sure if anyone else has experienced these, but I think the delusions are God’s way of making diabetes funny—I mean come on, both scenarios were hysterical looking back at them. I appreciate the humor in those situations, even though ultimately they could have ended badly, but what else can you do but laugh?

24 will never be the same. Jack better watch out—you never know what kind of stealth marketing materials I’ll be working on next week!

(Wow, I just linked to the Frosty Frog and in checking out their website forgot that they sold the daiquiris in oh so convenient "gallons to go" quantities--yikes, no wonder, maybe I wasn't the only one seeing aliens that day!)


  1. Annie- I just wanted to let you know that I've started a new blog- so thank you so much for your feedback...visit me at TheSugarSubstitute.blogspot.com! Will be happy to share thoughts with you in a more open manner now!

  2. thank you for posting this - I believe my mom is going through something similar

  3. "Not sure if anyone else has experienced these, but I think the delusions are God’s way of making diabetes funny—I mean come on, both scenarios were hysterical looking back at them. I appreciate the humor in those situations, even though ultimately they could have ended badly, but what else can you do but laugh?"

    Personally, I cried. My father thought the neighbors had bugged the house and the car and thought we were all in danger because of something he did years ago. We had to Baker Act him in order to get him help for his diabetes.
    I was devastated, especially at the part where he threatened (whether he was pretending or not) to commit suicide. Ever since then, I have never trusted him with his own health and always kept sharp to look for signs and symptoms that he was hiding illness or injury to himself. I still feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, since he had gotten ill like that twice in the life we've shared together, waiting for it to happen again like this is the calm before the storm or the eye of it.
