Sunday, April 18, 2010

Exercise - Plan B

So Plan A didn't work.  I think the problem is, is that I hate the gym.  No, I detest the gym.  Just the thought of going makes me want to run mosey in the other direction.  This time before TTC is all about trying to get as healthy as possible, and like it or not, that includes exercise so I need a new plan.

In coming up with a plan I need to answer a few questions honestly: 1) What will I actually do as a part of a consistent routine? 2) When can I realistically make time for 60 minutes of activity? 3) What can I keep up in the long term, not just over the next few months?

One of the things I really love is walking.  I love walking in NYC because there is so much to see (the stories you can make up in your head about the people going about their day in NYC is better than any TV show or gossip magazine).  Last year when I was successful at weight loss, I was walking home from work (2.5 miles) at least 3 nights a week.  But this year I have to work later, so when I leave work, I just want to get home to relax, spend time with my husband and try to not eat too late.  I also don't go directly home from work every night, so any time I have plans after work, the walk goes out the window.

So, I am going to revise Plan A, which involved going to the gym before work and instead, I'm going to walk to work in the morning.  It only adds 30 minutes to my commute, and I can easily fit that in the morning, with no unexpected or last minute plans that get in the way.  If I can do that 4 or 5 mornings a week, I think that would go a long way to help with my weight loss, and hopefully eventually weight management.

Let's see if this one works... I'd love to hear what other mommies are doing too, especially once the kiddies have arrived!


  1. I don't think I realized you lived in NYC! Me too! Have you been to any of the ACT1 Diabetes support group meetings? Cheryl Alkon, the author of Balancing Pregnancy with Pre-Existing Diabetes is speaking at NYU on thursday. Email me if you want details. :) Cheers!

  2. Walking. With D in the stroller. I wish I could say I was going to the gym but truth is I hate the places, always have. When D's a bit older it'd be nice to take her to the pool, but on reflection I guess I wouldn't be able to do laps huh?

    My only 'thing' about walking into work is does that mean you need to keep a change of clothes at work? Is it one of those kinds of walks? Where I live it is HILLS for Africa. Quite the workout. Good idea knocking it out early in the day tho - will help with those post brekkie highs too.
